- December 5, 2021
- Phillip Tanner
- 0
Managed Wi-Fi for MDUs
WiFi for MDUs:
Including High Speed Internet access is a great opportunity for property owners to create value for their tenants. It can also lead to higher rents and/or an additional revenue stream depending on how the solution is deployed.
Types of properties that can benefit:
- Student Housing
- Apartments
- Condos
- Senior Living and Retirement Homes
- Affordable Housing
- Office Parks
- Coworking Space
- Retail Units
Property Owner includes services in the Rent
- WiFi is provided property wide at a fixed price
- Property Owner decides upcharge to include in lease
- Property owner has options to resell premium speeds and features.
- Quality WiFi internet access included with a lease is attractive to new tenants
- Great option for properties that already include utilities
Why not having a coordinated WiFi network is a bad idea?
- Apartments often have terrible WiFi performance due to a huge mix of various Access Points and Wireless Routers. There is no coordination of frequency use between units.
- Most Access Points from the cable company or a box store come out of the box with an 80 MHz channel causing large amounts of interference.
- Most Access Points from the cable company or a box store by default have a very high transmit power leading to large amounts of interference.
- When tenants procure their own solution, they do not have the ability to use their internet and roam the property. So when they are not in their apartment they are either using mobile data or some Access Point that was put by the pool that offers no security and has non tenants attempting to use the network.
- Internet WiFi support forums are full of users complaining about WiFi asking what “WiFi Router” they should buy when the issue is interference and not their Router, Access Point, or Internet
Improve Property Management Abilities.
- Allows the use of smart building management systems, IoT, and other solutions to improve property management.
- Support for security cameras etc. to improve property security.
Residents in MDUs come from many walks of life, but they all have one thing in common: they require reliable, high-performance Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is increasingly being referred to as the “fourth utility,” a necessary service that tenants rely on almost as much as water, heat and electticity.
Despite the fact that Wi-Fi is becoming increasingly important, most MDU residents still obtain it the old-fashioned manner. They make contact with the local cable or phone company and acquire Internet service on their own. Each tenant is given their own Wi-Fi access point (AP), which is only used by them. The lack of Frequency and Power coordination also causes Wi-Fi issues that tenants are aware of, such as:
- Poor performance: Having more Wi-Fi APs does not imply that you have better Wi-Fi—in fact, the opposite is true. When each unit is equipped with its own AP the increased AP count produces interference that has a detrimental impact because they were all deployed individually with no concern for optimal coverage.
- Inconsistent coverage: Modern tenants don’t leave the house without their smartphone, and they value omnipresent coverage that they don’t have to think about. While tenants get coverage in their apartments, when they go to the pool, the fitness center’s coverage ends. They lose connectivity at the residential complex’s center or other common areas. The end result is a limited, unreliable, and frequently annoying Wi-Fi experience for MDU tenants that use the bring your own internet model.
Property owners and their service provider partners have a chance to stand out by including a high performance service while increasing profit by offering additional services including always-on Wi-Fi services to all tenants, regardless of where they are in the complex.
- Poor performance: Having more Wi-Fi APs does not imply that you have better Wi-Fi—in fact, the opposite is true. When each unit is equipped with its own AP,
That density produces interference that has a detrimental impact because they were all deployed individually with no concern for optimal coverage.
Wi-Fi is a service provided by the hotel. Tenants experience inconsistency in performance, lost connections, and irritation.
- Inconsistent coverage: Modern tenants don’t leave the house without their smartphone, and they value omnipresent coverage that they don’t get elsewhere.
I’ll have to consider it. While tenants get coverage in their apartments, when they go to the pool, the fitness center’s coverage ends.
They lose connectivity at the residential complex’s center or other common areas.
The result is a limited, unreliable, and frequently annoying Wi-Fi experience for MDU tenants that use the bring your own internet.
Property owners and their service provider partners have a chance to make a difference. By providing high-quality service,
MDU operators may make their businesses more profitable by providing always-on Wi-Fi services to all tenants, regardless of where they are in the complex.
Why get Managed WiFi for MDUs from Mogility Networks?
We work with dozens of internet backbone providers that allow up to select a reliable data partner for virtually all MDUs in the United States. Deigning a robust and secure internet backbone is the strong foundation required to deliver great WiFi Service.
We only offer WiFi equipment from Top Vendors such as Cisco, Fortinet, Extreme Networks, Aruba Networks, and Cambium. Using best of breed solutions allow us to minimize the number of APs deployed, enhance security, proactively monitor for issues, and deliver outstanding service.
Superior Coverage take superior design. Cranking Access Point power up to max is the wrong way to design. We carefully design our networks to ensure high performance with all devices to include devices with small antenna such as smart watches and iPhones.
This goes along with Connectivity, Equipment, and Coverage, building high performance WiFi networks takes experience and with more than 4 Million Square Feet under active management Mogility Networks has the experience to meet your requirements.
Onboarding New Tenants:
Onboarding new tenants can be done in minutes. A well-designed network can provide premium access in moments. Access can also be revoked as an incentive to collect past due payments.
You WiFi Network is monitored 24/7 by Mogility Networks WiFi experts. Chances are we will know of any network issues before you receive even one complaint. Hardware is also replaced rapidly in the event of a failure.
As your WiFi partner support at agreed upon SLA(Service Level Agreement) is available. Our entire staff has at least one Industry WiFi certification.
So if you are Property Developer, Manager, or Landlord we would love to talk to you. Ensure your tenants have a wonderful Wi-Fi experience, you simplt can’t afford to ignore WiFi issues and hope they goes away. Take the initial step in the right direction by utilizing our services.
In summary most MDU owners can benefit from having a team of Wi-Fi specialist to keep their Wi-Fi network running smooth. At Mogility Networks we pride ourselves on being one of the most experienced Wi-Fi companies in the country. We don’t want you to just take our work for it. We want to show you all we have to offer. We work with companies with that simply need 2 Wi-Fi Access Points to Gov’t agencies supporting over 1000 Access Points.
Get your free consultation by visiting www.wifiworldwide.com/contact or make an appointment at www.calendly.com/mogilityphillip
Check out our Podcast at https://open.spotify.com/show/2SwTxgWffrppzlwak8wCyz